Larry Price

And The Endless Cup Of Coffee

Managing a Go Environment in Ubuntu

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Many moons ago, I wrote about setting up a Go environment in Ubuntu. After writing that post, I dropped Go development for nearly a year. Today I run the Indy Golang meetup, and soon I’ll be starting a new work project where I’ll be recommending a Go-based tech stack. I’ve learned a thing or two about Go and managing its dependencies since I wrote that initial blog post, and I intend to give a short presentation to my meetup about my recent findings. Before I do, I thought I’d write a preliminary blog post detailing the tools I use to keep my Go environment sane.

Installing Go

The easiest way to install Go in Ubuntu is through aptitude. However, the default version in the Ubuntu repos gets stale fast. I found a tool similar to rvm for downloading and installing local versions of Go called gvm. For better or worse, gvm is installed through a bash script. Fortunately, it doesn’t require sudo:

$ bash < <(curl -s -S -L

At this point I removed all my previous finaglig with $GOROOT and $GOPATH from my dot files. You can use gvm listall to see all available versions of Go. As of the writing of this blog post, go1.4.1 is the latest release; however, go1.4 is the most recent release available with gvm. I’m not sure when the list is updated, but I have confidence that it is fairly regular. To install a Go and set it as the default Go:

$ gvm install go1.4 --default
$ which go

Managing Packages

This is where I come to a fork in the road: gvm, the tool we used to install the desired version of Go, has a concept of pkgset similar to rvm gemset. However, I find the syntax for using a pkgset tiresome every time I come into a directory. I prefer something more automatic. As an additional pain, gvm does not provide a mechanism for installing dependencies from a list of known dependencies. I sought out other tools to address these pains and found gpm and gvp.

gpm is a tool used to manage Go packages. It reads in a file called Godeps which contains a list of packages with versions and can install them from their individual sources. I’m currently infatuated with gpm as it addresses a lot of concerns I had when initially learning Go: shared local dependencies, unclear versioning, and installing dependencies from a fresh clone. Install gvm and gvp:

$ pushd /tmp
$ git clone && cd gvp
$ ./configure && sudo make install
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone && cd gpm
$ ./configure && sudo make install
$ popd

We can follow two paths here: using gvm pkgset or using a local .godeps directory to store our dependencies discretely. For these examples, I’ll create a directory called gotest with a single file in it:

package main

import ""

func main() {
    server := martini.Classic()
    server.Get("/", func() string {
        return "<h1>Hello, world!</h1>"


Method 1: gvm pkgset alongside gpm

Create and start using a new pkgset:

$ gvm pkgset create gotest
$ echo $GOPATH
$ gvm pkgset use gotest
$ echo $GOPATH

What this means is that we are now using our gotest pkgset as default, but the global pkgset will be used to dig up any missing packages. In order to install any dependencies, we need to create a Godeps file for gpm to consume. Our application from above has a dependency on go-martini, so let’s add a dependency to v1.0 in our Godeps file:

1 v1.0

After you run go build to verify that the dependencies aren’t installed, run gpm install to pull the required packages into your specified pkgset. Run go build again and revel in your own brilliance.

That was pretty great, right? The only issue is remembering to type gvm pkgset use gotest every time you restart your terminal or switch projects. Otherwise, gvm is practically a replacement for one of my favorite ruby tools rvm.

Method 2: gpm and gvp

gpm is intended to be similar to npm, a package management tool for NodeJS. The author suggests using a tool called gvp to set the GOPATH without much thought. If we start a fresh terminal in our example directory, we can use gvp to set up our GOPATH:

$ echo $GOPATH
$ source gvp
$ echo $GOPATH

You can note the difference in our GOPATH here relative to gvm: we will be using our current directory as a source of code in addition to a local .godeps directory. Go ahead and add .godeps to your .gitignore file or equivalent. We can use the same Godeps file as before:

1 v1.0

We run gpm install to install the dependencies to our local .godeps directory.

I prefer this method to using pkgsets. I’ve had better luck building projects with complicated structures, and it’s a lot easier for me to run source gvp than it is to remember the name of my pkgset. Both methods work pretty well and give me warm fuzzies about managing my dependencies. I’m certain that as Go continues to mature more solutions will come available. I’ve also been researching using Docker with gpm only, which requires very little tweaking to what I’ve already discussed here.